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Adding human resource to a company is one of the most important aspects of creating a successful business. When you have the contribution of the right people you are more likely to reach new levels in your venture and achieve collective goals with much more ease. In order to be able to reach out to the right people, there are business owners that choose to opt for consultancy services and then there are others that
The COVID-19 pandemic has left us fighting with challenges that we may have never imagined facing even one year back. However, those of us that have businesses to run, must do what needs to be done and find innovative solutions to unique problems. One of the most important functions of a business is to manage the payments of employees of the company. It is important to ensure that the right amounts are disbursed to all

The Pros and Processes of Outsourced Payroll Services

Posted by jedgeservices on  November 25, 2020
Category: Other
We as a generation and the citizens of the world are living in truly unique times, we are experiencing ways of life that people may have never experienced before. While a pandemic has returned in as little as hundred years, we are now much more equipped to not put a halt on life simply because we cannot go out of our houses. Businesses are still running and people are getting jobs done with the help
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented India and the world with circumstances that are absolutely unique and never before experienced. Everyone is learning new things about lifestyle and living and a lot of business practices are now evolving. People are ready to try out new things, anything that will help in maintaining personal as well as business health. It is because of such reasons that options like HR outsourcing services are becoming more relevant in the

How to recruit right within a budget range?

Posted by jedgeservices on  October 24, 2020
Category: Other
The world is witnessing unique times and new challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic having wreaked havoc everywhere. Lots of things have changed and one of the parts of life that is most affected by the virus is the way in which we run our businesses. Cutting costs has become a huge part of the way of functioning of any business, big or small. In such circumstances, it is natural for people to look for efficiency

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